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Cyprus Gun Laws

Writer: Ali AzarlouyehAli Azarlouyeh

For many who are not locals, the fact that one in three civilians own a firearm in Cyprus may seem shocking. In fact, according to the 2018 Small Arms Survey, Cyprus ranks 7th in the world for civilian-held firearms per capita. This is mainly due to the national policy of arming the reservist troops following their completion mandatory of military service (all male citizens must serve for 14 months in the Republic of Cyprus).

What guns are legal in Cyprus?

Law 113 (I) 2004 on Firearms and Other Arms is the relevant piece of legislation that governs the possession, importation, use and disposal of firearms in the Republic of Cyprus. The Firearms Registry Office of the Cyprus Police is the public authority which enforces this law. The department is responsible for registering firearms and other arms, issuing licenses for firearms dealers, gunsmiths, and paintball fields, and certifying collectable firearms.

Hunting shotguns and air rifles laws

To obtain a hunting shotgun (Category D Firearms) or an air rifle, a natural person must meet the following requirements:

1) he/ she must be over the age of 18;

2) neither a judicial order nor a state medical council finds that he poses a risk to himself/ herself or the public order and;

3) he/she has not been previously convicted of the following offences:

i. homicide;

ii. rape;

iii. kidnapping;

iv. arson;

v. treason;

vi. robbery;

vii. inciting to mutiny/sedition/membership in an unlawful association;

viii. murder or attempted murder;

ix. importation, possession, manufacture, storage or transfer of explosives

x. attempt to destroy property with the use of explosive substances;

xi. illegal possession, use or possession with intent to supply controlled drugs or psychotropic substances, according to the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law,

xii. and any other offence added to this list by the Ministerial Council and published in the Official Gazette of the Republic and;

4) he/ she must not be ascertained as insane contrary to Article 70 of the Criminal Procedure Law Cap.155.

Please note that only shotgun rifles with calibre .177 / 4.5 mm are permitted with the above license.

As far as air guns are concerned, only air rifles can be used (i.e. the gun must legally be classified as a rifle). While fully automatic air rifles are not permitted, semi-automatic air rifles are permitted as long as only a single pallet is fired at the pull of the trigger. With that said, there are no restrictions on the magazine size and muzzle velocity for an air rifle. Air rifles must not be used for shooting live animals and only firing at shooting targets is permitted.

Attachments to a gun including silencer suppressors, lasers and torches are strictly prohibited. Persons found of even carrying silencer suppressors can be criminally prosecuted. Finally, shooting shotguns and air rifles at shooting clubs/ranges does not require a license.

Pistols laws

Pistols are prohibited in the Republic of Cyprus. An exception to this rule is their possession for Olympic sports. However, this does not mean that any person can use this argument to possess a pistol. The chief of police must be provided with evidence that the person acquiring the pistol is in fact a member of the Cyprus Shooting Sport Federation. The Cyprus Shooting Sport Federation must therefore have provided the owner with a written statement that must be presented when purchasing/ importing a pistol.

Commercial licenses for dealing with firearms

Manufacturers, importers, repairers, or retailers of firearms in Cyprus are required to obtain a gun dealer’s license. This must be done through the Guns Registry Office of the Cyprus Police and the applicant must be eligible to obtain the license. The application process takes approximately 30 days to process, and it must either be submitted to the Public Service Commission or the Gun Registry Office. Each license is valid for a period of 5 years and at least one person must be designated as legally responsible for the conduct of the store, even if the store is registered as a legal entity. There are 4 types of commercial licenses that may be obtained for firearms. This includes:

License to manufacture up to 5 guns

  • Application fee: €854

  • Renewal fee: €170.86

License to manufacture more than 5 guns

  • Application fee: €8543.30

  • Renewal fee: €1708.60

License to import/exchange and sell guns

  • Application fee: €410

  • Renewal fee: €85.43

License to repair guns

  • Application fee: €105

  • Renewal fee: € 42.72

Note: These laws are limited to the government-controlled areas of the Republic of Cyprus only.

Please also note that Efkolaw is not a law firm and it does not offer any legal advice. Any content hosted on our site is meant to be informative and does not constitute or substitute advice from a qualified legal professional.

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